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    Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad

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    Every student who wants to succeed in his career should study abroad.

    Study abroad is a life-changing experience for many students, opening their eyes to different ways of life and promoting understanding and tolerance. Research shows that students who study abroad have better grades, more confidence, and are more likely to graduate from college at higher rates than students who do not study abroad.

    The students, who studied abroad, say that their life changed. They’ve  got experience, that leads to non-linear thinking or critical thinking. Study abroad adds to the learner's treasure of experiential education far more than any classroom experience ever will. You must do more and you must encourage students to reach beyond their grasp when selecting study abroad programs.

    Study abroad helps you:

    1. Learn about yourself and become more self-aware;
    2. Boost your self-confidence and independence;
    3. Learn another language;
    4. Introduce others your country;
    5. Expand your worldview;
    6. Strengthen adaptability, communications and team-building skills;
    7. Enhance your career opportunities;
    8. Experience another culture firsthand and enhance your cross-cultural competency;
    9. Make new friends from around the world;
    10. Travel

    Conceive, plan and do it !


    Read 2899 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 November 2015 14:11

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